Windows Based Web Hosting Explained

By: Anand
Windows hosting makes use of Microsoft's Windows software for the web hosting server for your websites and give you environment to run ASP ASP dot net sort of web application with power of windows server environment. Microsoft Windows and Linux are the two most widely used web hosting platforms all over the world. In comparison to Linux hosting, Windows hosting allows a better user friendly interface with Microsoft's own products and services. Windows hosting supports all the popular windows web services used in web development, allowing an individual to make a website or web application in the language of one's preference.

Sometime new webmasters get confused that which one web hosting to choose from the variety of two choices available in market such as Windows Hosting & Linux Hosting for such users I highly recommend Windows Hosting to choose reason being is this that web hosting providers today in market most of they are offering PHP and MySQL sort of Linux server features in their web hosting plans of Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 server. As they install PHP and MySQL as a add-on on their server thus in this manner you get a few most important features of Linux servers also within your same package of windows hosting without paying extra for Linux web hosting package.

Using Windows Hosting is more users friendly and carries more benefits that are the reason why it is so widely used these days. Each operating system has its own unique features, and this brings their own advantages and disadvantages. Linux platforms do not offer support for the dot N
Hardware For Webmasters
ET technologies, which includes ASP dot net. If you have already built a website using Microsoft dot NET technologies then you may know the benefits of using this service, UNIX is an open source which means that the operating system does not include any charges. If you are planning to design a website with Microsoft FrontPage or a web application using Active Server Pages (ASP) or any of the Microsoft application then Windows hosting is the solution that you should go for.

It is said that Windows hosting are often slower than UNIX hosting in performance but it proves a very cost effective choice from using hardware efficiently whereas Linux hosting is incredibly efficient and gives you some of the cheap hosting options available but does not support applications like ASP or ASP dot Net applications which use windows platform to run.

These web hosts can also be used as data center space and inter connectivity service for the Internet as web hosting is done in a safe and secure manner with a number of anti spam filtering your data is always in secure hands or rather you can say on secure servers. Customers get a quick account setup and they can easily administer there hosting account with the control panel provided by the hosting provider which is a traditional way of the control panel. Sometime those websites which are hosted on shared server experience some problems than from those websites which are placed on a dedicated web server as the result of higher volumes of traffic cannot be controlled or managed by these types of servers.

Anand is a web developer for Web Hosting India & Web Hosting in India visit: